Man and machine
The machines we build are reflections of us. They have a life of their own, the cars and trains, they speak to us.
A reflection of love in chrome, to cherish the life and time you have. To see the classics and love them are honours given by time.
Tax is the joke played on all mankind. By bankers greed, they hoard the wealth belonging to all.

The sea retreats, they rest upon the sand.
Still it sits and waits as those that wander share a glance. The heat has faded, the rust creeps on but still the memories remain.

It looks to sea, memories of better days. Its heart is good but the rust of age has taken hold.
The steam does hiss, like lifes sweet breath.
An old friend, loyal and true.
They bob in oceans deep, to feed hungers pain.
The engine roars, it beats lifes song.
The art, lost in mists of time.
A sixties dream of youths sweet battles.
California dreaming on a winters day.