Beach Life
The oceans calls us, to return to our birth. The wind dances across time, it shows us the way. To stand at waters edge is to see our past.
To open seas, the view it calls the travellers yearn. Do chains hold thee upon the land, real or in the mind.
They spin and dance to childs delight, the summers fete at waters edge.
A beacons light shows the way, a doorway opens.
The sea does smash along the shore, the white and the swirl shows natures anger.

A quiet place, with wind and sea. The gentle breeze caress.

The quiet calls, it sits and waits.
The steps to Davey Jones.
The seas rest upon the shore, they greet the stones as friends of old.
They bob amongs the raging storm to quell hungers pain.
It stands, a beacon to those that need to see.
A refuge from the storm, calms the savage wave.
The beach is quiet
The squeals have gone, it waits for the suns return.
A quiet place
To walk, is to be. The sounds of water calms the mind and feeds the soul.