Hastings November 10th 2024
It’s nice that I don’t live too far from the south coast. On this SUnday we decided to pop down to Hastings for a day to grab some chips and walk along the beach front. It was a grey overcast day, the light was flat and since it’s now out of season the place was almost empty. Coastal places always take on a sad tone in winter, with all the colour and excitement of tourists just a memory.
The calm deceives, the anger will soon return.
We got down there and parked right by the beach, this was the scene that greeted us. A single boat floating on a flat sea, very surreal.
To stand and watch oblivion, to know that life’s a gift. To smile and nod and say farewell then set thyself adrift.
She smiles and laughs at natures jokes, take care of those that walk within your soul.
The lovers lay and chatters, together is all that matters.
Machines that rust in silent protest until the fire returns.
Come my friend, the work begins. To feed the mouths and crush thy hunger.
The strangest trees sprout forth among the stones.
The silence deafens
They sleep in hoods of darkness until the light returns.
The beach of souls, it calls to distant minds. The crunch of stones beneath thy feet reminds of happy times.
The tangled webs of steel, the pier resists the march of time.
I stand a look at Hasting beach, the people gone another year. Time to sleep and hide from winters rage until the light returns.
Hastings has lots of fond memories for me, I spent many a happy holiday here. Sitting on the beach, the pebbles in my shoes. The winter always make it look so sad but soon the summer will return and life will flow once again.