1 Picture per day (August 2024)
I thought it would be fun to do a series of pictures in August. The idea is to take one picture on each day in August to document the month. We all know the best camera is the one you have on you so I thought I would do this little challenge to encourage me to take my camera everywhere. I have two cameras, the Leica M246 and Leica SL, so the pictures will be taken with either of those.
A country view of clouds and sky, it calms the troubles of mind and soul, to breath and be.
August 1st 2024.
The shot above was taken from close to my house in kent. I love big skies and the cloud structure had layers and the low clouds were really cotton like. A beautiful scene.
The sun still rises upon the soul. Renewed in daylights breath.
August 2nd 2024
Woke up to another damp Friday morning. Although a similar shot to yesterday, the weather changes by the minute as the sun burns off the dew. I’m not sure about you but my mind is full of thoughts and images from the day before and what may happen today. Just looking at nature, the clouds, the trees, really helps to settle your thoughts and better prepare you for the day.
Tenterden, the cloth does dry upon the hooks. The church stands firm and sings the songs that time remembers.
August 3rd 2024
Today is Saturday, we went to Tenterden for a few supplies, this nice little town still bustles with the chitter and chatter of people doing what they do. The Church is grand and stands tall, proud against a darkened sky. It’s easy to take for granted the everyday but if you stop and look you can see. See the life and history’s drama playing out before you. SInce 1178 this town has stood the tests of time, I wonder what changes will occur over the next 800 years.
A mothers love defies, the bond unbreakable. To be loved and love in return is a gift from eternity.
August 4th 2024
It’s been a busy weekend, my dear mum turns 85 on the 6th, we had a little party to celebrate on the 3rd. Today (the 4th) I went to Woodchurch in kent to the annual steam fair. It was a great day out, walking around in the sunshine, being with people, all out having fun. There were traction engines of all size hissing and clanking their way around the fields. I saw this engine, a mother and son working as a team. It reminded me of my dear mum and how precious family are. So this is my photo of the day, to celebrate all the mums out their and to thank them for holding us all together.
The Oasts of old still stand, to brew the beers that quench thy thirst.
August 5th 2024
Happy Monday to you. I live in Kent, on the South Eastern edge of the UK. It has a long tradition of hop growing and farming. Oast houses used to be everywhere but now only a fraction remain. An Oast House or Hop kiln is a building designed for kilning (drying) hops as part of the brewing process. Hops were hung in the tall, top parts of the buildings with a heater below allowing heat to flow up and out the top via a moving cowl in the roof. These buildings are much less common now, but I was driving to work today and noticed these four standing proud in the sun. They are all residential now but it’s lovely to see this part of history still preserved, so they are my picture of day.
The sun glides quietly beyond the vale, a day does end and night begins.
August 6th 2024
A quiet day in my home office today, I guess I am lucky in that I can do some of my work at home. We went for a walk, as the sun was setting on a tranquil evening, you can feel the night approaching as the twilight sets in. A quietness descends and the sky darkens as the glow of the sun fades. We watched the sun go down and so i took this image to remind me that peace and silence are sleeps companions, good night world, see you again soon.
Through symmetry you see the world, the parallel in mind and body.
August 7th 2024
I have worked in the same building for many years, you get used to how it looks. Because I set myself this “One picture per day” challenge I am being forced to look really hard to find new pictures in my everyday life. I actually spotted a picture yesterday as I was leaving the office, the symmetry, the contrast of hard parallel lines with the world outside perfectly framed. So today, I waited for the light to cast nice shadows and took this shot. It’s the view I get everyday as I enter but only yesterday did I really notice the beauty here. So this is my photo of the day.
A life remembered, the flowers left. A tear flows.
August 8th 2024
I took the day off today to do a photographic workshop down in Rye. It was organised by the Sussex Wildlife trust and was called “The Fine art Photography Workshop: Landscapes and Memory” We met at the Rye Harbour nature reserve Cafe. It was great to talk with other photographers and Martin the host was great. Photography is art and it’s really great to meet others with the same mindset. We went out to walk around the nature reserve and I came across this bench. It would be easy to just walk past and ignore this but I stopped and looked, photography makes you do that. The Bench had a dedication to Tim Simms, he died in 2019 and it would have been his birthday today. Someone loved Tim, a partner, a daughter? They got up that morning, got the flowers and put them in a jar, then drove down to the reserve to place them on the bench dedicated to him. Tim must of loved the place, a twitcher maybe, it brought a tear to my eye. I took this shot, in memory of my trip and to Tim. This is my photo of the day, as with all images, they should invoke an emotion, this one does for me. Check out the collections section for more images from the day.
The angels wait for us to see.
August 9th 2024
Most towns and villages have small churches and a burial ground around them. If you walk through them, you will see memories of people who lived here but have long since passed. Although you think of churchyards as solemn, I like to think of them as restful places where the living and the dead can walk together. I often drive by our local church, I spotted an angel in the churchyard, it was the only one there. It stood out to me so I took the shot and here it is, my picture of the day.
To stand upon the hill, to turn the stones that built an empire.
August 10th 2024
Today is Saturday, we decided to take a trip to Cranbrook in Kent. It’s a nice little village with a small high street, cafes and hardware shops. There is also a windmill, I love windmills, they stand proud in any landscape they appear in, and remind us that we used to use the wind to power our economies long before the current fashion. The earliest recorded windmill design is the Panemone, which originated in Persia (modern-day Iran) around 700-900 AD. So these machines have been around for over 1000 years. The one in Cranbrook is a fine example and is still in operation. You can buy the flour it produces in the mill itself. There is something about these machines that calls to me, they are from a bygone age but like steam engines, have a charm all of their own. If you are ever in Cranbrook, stop by and take a look inside. I love the way they look and so here is my picture of the day as I walked up to the entrance.
The dancers jangle with sticks they fight, the summer fields their battleground of fun and laughter.
August 11th 2024
The summer fete is a tradition in the UK that brings out people to celebrate the long days and easy living. The Morris dancers have been around since the 15th century, with sticks and bells to dance and rejoice the summer. There is a local fete called “Pistons & Paws” which brings together classic cars and animals from the local area. As you may have gathered, I really like the old cars and history is endlessly fascinating. To see the people having fun, the ice cream vans, the classic cars and dogs is a lovely way to spend an afternoon. Whilst listening to this group and watching their well practiced moves, it reminded me that people have passions and it drives them. What is your passion? I encourage you all to find something to be passionate about and spend your time following that path. It seems to me that, nothing else really matters.
Harvest comes as summer wains, the air is warm and still.
August 12th 2024
I was on my way to work, on the route I pass through lots of open countryside. By chance I looked and saw a field that had been freshly cut and stacked for hay. I backed up a little, got out of the car and lent over the gate to see this view. The clouds painted across a morning sky, the field freshly cut with the smell of grass in the air. Earlier I wondered if today was going to be a tough day to find a good image, but no. Here it was, just sitting there waiting for me to drive past. This shot was straight out of camera, no edits at all, as are many of my shots here. I love it when it all goes to plan and you get the shot you wanted.
Eyes that watch, he sits and waits.
August 13th 2024
Another working at home day today, it’s a hot day. The UK is not used to hot weather and we are all suffering a bit. I was working at my desk when I was interrupted by a howling cat. I looked down and there was our old black cat called Zulu (he was a real hunter in his younger days) looking up a me. It’s strange in some ways how we share our lives with animals, these little heartbeats are in our homes and in our lives. They bring company and friendship, they become a part of the family. He was looking at me with an intense glare, so I got down close to his face and took this shot. He is an old cat but still a pleasure to be in his company and I am glad he is around. I cropped the original image right down to just his face and so he is my picture of the day.
To glimpse a world outside but the chains of life restrain.
August 14th 2024
I knew when starting this challenge that some days are going to be difficult to find an image. I had both my cameras with me but I could not find anything that felt worth taken a picture of. So the day arrived, there was no decent shots to be had. I began day dreaming a bit and started to look out the window to see if there was anything out there worth shooting. The blinds in front of the window stopped me looking out but I got glimpses of the world outside through the gaps in the blinds. I like the way reality was broken and the blinds prevented me from seeing. I could only see pieces of the world. I grabbed my camera and took this shot. I imagined it like Alice in wonderland, trying to pass through the looking glass. Moving into another more exciting world.
Time ticks by as metal slowly bends to natures will.
August 15th 2024
Another day working at home, as you can imagine, being at home reduces the possibilities of getting some nice shots. So I decided to go for a walk with my trusty M246 by my side. The sun was out, with a pleasant summer breeze. I took a few shots of fields, trees and local cottages. Then wandered past a slightly run down looking farm. I noticed through a gap in the trees and bushes what looked like a car of some sort. On getting a bit closer I discovered a rusting old car, maybe an old Land rover? It looked like it had been there for years, chassis bent, no wheels, missing glass and plants growing in it. I felt sorry for it, left to rust, neglected and destined for oblivion. So I took the shot to preserve it forever and it is my picture of the day.
George Mercer laid his bones upon the soil, to rest and be at peace.
August 16th 2024
Ok, I admit it, I have a thing about old buildings, churches and anything with a long history. When I was at school I hated history, it was boring, learning dates, and basic facts about countries and what happened when. DULLLLLLLLLL. It was only later I discovered the true beauty in history. How people lived, why they did what they did, how they died, the songs of life and death. It was poetic and beautiful. I love old churches, they were the centre of life in so many towns. All the important stuff of life happened in the local church. The births, the marriages, the Sundays and the final goodbyes. This month I have been looking for pictures, today had not been fruitful. After work I went for a walk to my local town and wandered past the local church. I met George, I wonder who he was, what he did in his life, a baker, a farmer or just a man trying to live his life? He was born in 1845 in a little village in Kent. He lived a life and died 63 years later. I found his grave, under a tree, at the edge of the churchyard next to the road. I thought at least he can see the world go by, I wonder what he would have thought about it now. A lot of things have happened over the last 114 years. How different it is now to when he was alive. His final resting place is my picture of the day. Rest in peace George.
August 17th 2024
Today (Saturday) we went to another country fair. This one was called “Tractor fest”. It was crammed full of people enjoying the summer sun and their free time. The old and the young, the rich and the poor, the vendors and the mechanics were all here. It struck me how different we all are but how similar too. I was sitting watching a concert and I glanced sideways, to be greeted by this, a heaving mass of humanity. Soaking up the sun, the noise, the smells, it made me feel alive. This is my picture of the day, enjoy life for it is magnificent.
The water flows and brings the essence of life.
August 18th 2024
Today we travelled down to the LIme Warf cafe near Northiam, Kent to meet some friends for breakfast. There is something very rewarding abut meeting friends and sharing a meal. It’s a great place with good food, friendly staff and a nice location. We were supposed to meet them at 9.30am but we were early, so I decided to have a little wander before they got there. The cafe is next to a waterway, where they rent out and offer canoe trips and other boating experiences. I walked onto the dock and saw this image. The canal stretches before you, with boats either side, calling you to get on board and have some fun. Summer is a great time to be messing about on the water.
The crops that feed stand tall and ready
August 19th 2024
Today was a dull day both work and weather, a cloudy grey day. Earlier in the year we moved, I wondered how the old place was doing, so I drove past to check on it on the way home from work. There used to be an orchard in this field but it was stripped and planted for maize/corn. It was nice to see the place but it had changed, I preferred the orchard and the open fields, now there are crops and barbed fences everywhere. I guess life goes on and things change, sometimes for the better and sometimes not. I took this shot to remind me of the orchard and the ample supply of cooking apples we used to get. We spent many happy years here but we knew it was time to move on.
Freedom flies across the skies, the roar of engines pound the air.
August 20th 2024
I was working in my home office again today, it’s up in the top of the house. It gets hot up their on warm days so I opened the roof window. You get some lovely views of open country up here. I was working at my desk when I heard a roar. There is a small local airport nearby, only small pleasure planes use it mostly and they fly over a few times a week. Today there was a roar, I quickly looked out to see three old biplanes slowly sliding across the sky. I grabbed my camera and just caught them before they went over the roof. It’s lovely to see these old planes still flying, I really like them and so this is my photo of the day.
An angry sky, the sun brings light and births the day.
August 21st 2024
Another day, another dollar or so the old saying goes. I’m off to the office today. As I get up and open the curtains, I am greeted with this. Angry clouds and a blinding sun. I never get sick of this view, it’s different everyday. Today it looked angry, but the sun had a brilliant glow that made me feel glad to be alive, so this is my picture of the day.
The self on show, a shell that moves thy presence.
August 22nd 2024
Another day in the home office, a normal day and not much chance to take a decent picture. In the evening we went down to Folkestone to visit my sister for a book launch. She is an author, actress, writer and all round good person. She is launching her new book called “The Folkestone Five“, a children’s books about a criminal gang of seagulls and their cunning plan to steal chips, ice creams and cigarettes. It’s a wonderful book and is illustrated by Phil Price a very talented artist/teacher also now based in Folkestone. They have a shop called “Custard HQ” in the old high street now artists quarter. I recommend a visit. Usually I don’t like to do self portraits but the venue we were in has mirrors all over the walls of differing sizes and shapes and I liked the way it looked, so here I am, in my own picture of the day.
The tree it stands the tests of time.
August 23rd 2024
The bank holiday weekend is here and we have family visiting. They brought their dog and we decided to take him out out for a walk. We walked round a local field, which has a solitary tree in the middle. I’ve seen this tree many times before, it stands there tall and strong, alone in a open field. A reminder of nature and how determined it can be. I often wonder what it has seen over the years, when there was nothing here, just farms and open lands. It has it’s own history and may well be here long after I am not. You were not here for a billions years, you are alive for 5 minutes and then you will be gone forever. Take time to stop and look at the nature that surrounds you, enjoy your life and protect the natural world while you can.
When the rains came, the droplets fall on eyes of sorrow.
August 24th 2024
Today (Saturday) the rains came, someone forgot to tell the weather it was summer. The rain woke me up in the early hours as I lay their listening to it’s melodic pitter-patter. When the sun came up, I noticed the raindrops clinging to the windows, blurring the reality of the world outside. I grabbed my camera and took the shot. I decided I like the rain, it clears the air and washes away the past, ready for a new dawn.
The tangled tree of life.
August 25th 2024
It’s Sunday today, we decided to go to Bedgebury Pinetum, for those that don’t know it, it’s an area of forest in Kent. It has a huge variety of trees and walks suitable for families, bikes, and even climbing. We have been before, we call it tree bathing, walking through the forest always feels like I am bathing in the trees oxygen and natures energy, it brings a calmness. As you wander through the paths surrounded by trees, all your worries lift, your breath deepens and you relax. It’s a place to go to feel the calm that nature brings. There are lots of different trees, I noticed this one as we walked under it. It’s branches were a tangles mess, it reminded me of how life is and how random it looks but it is all built to evolution’s design. It’s amazes me how tiny seeds can create such complex monsters. So this is my picture of the day, the tree of life.
I sit and watch the humins, so busy, they scuttle by. They need to learn to be more goat, to chill and watch the sky.
August 26th 2024
Today is Bank Holiday Monday, we decided to go and visit our goaty friends. Buttercups is a charity based in Kent that looks after mistreated and abandoned goats from all over the UK. We often go to see them to support the charity and spend some time with these charming little creatures. I sat with this one in the sun, just chillin. He looked at me, and we just sat there enjoying the sunshine. They are very friendly animals, very relaxed around people and love a nice ear rub (don’t we all). You can buy carrot chunks or food pellets which they love, so you can feed them. They take food directly from your hands, which is fun for kids and adults alike. It’s a nice way to spend an hour or two, and you can help them out by adopting one if you want, they still live in the sanctuary you just help with their costs. It’s a worthwhile thing to help take care of them, I recommend a visit.
To travel in time, the homes built, the war fought, the people remembered
August 27th 2024
Working at home again, so nothing much to shoot. I took a few shots out of the windows but nothing great. I drove to a local high street to do some chores. I noticed this memorial and the old house behind it. Time ticks by almost unnoticed except for the things we leave behind. History is a wonderful thing if you stop and look, there is history everywhere. This town is over 1200 years old, the house maybe a few hundred, the memorial only a few decades but to stand there and see it all is to witness history. The next time you are out, take time to stop and look for the history in front of you.
A man of steel cast in bronze, a gift from those he saved.
August 28th 2024
I was in Westerham in Kent today. I knew it had ties to Churchill, with his home (Chartwell) nearby. I have driven through the high street a few times and noticed what looked like a statue on the green. Today, after work, I drove up to the high street and went for a walk. I walked down to the green looking for that statue, to find this. It was Winston, sitting in his chair watching the traffic go by. The statue was a seated bronze figure on a rough limestone plinth, a gift from the Yugoslav people. 1969. Standing in front of this statue made me think about all the decisions he had to make during his life. Decisions of life and death during the war years. What kind of man could have made those decisions, kept his cool? I am glad he is remembered, some people are special and here is a memory of one of them.
The rusting chains that hold, to push against the barriers that keep you in your place.
August 29th 2024
I was feeling uninspired today, everything was hard work. I don’t know if you have days like that or it’s just me. Sometimes easy task become hard, nothing works out as intended and you don’t really care much anyway. I went out for a walk to try to shake off the negativity, the countryside always helps. I came across a field that had a large gate held with a rusting chain. Whilst looking at it, it reminded me that sometimes we put up our own fences in our minds, with gates and chains that hold us back. We make up excuses as to why we can’t do this or can’t do that, we hold ourselves back for no good reason. Like the rusting chain and gate, preventing you from following the path, push through it, jump over it. Force yourself to do what you always wanted to, never let those chains and gates inside you own mind prevent you from winning and following the path you always wanted.
Welcome to Ramhurst Lodge, THE place to go glamping in style.
August 30th 2024
I often go for walks in the countryside, I find it relaxing and calming. Whilst out for a walk I came across “Ramhurst Lodge”, a luxury venue for the discerning glamper. The name “Ramhurst Lodge” conjures up all sorts of images in my mind of beautiful country estates, with pools and tennis courts, but instead we have this. It made me laugh. I don’t think I have ever come across a farm building quite so ramshackled and run down, the smell was let’s just say very “country”. Used as a cowshed, this sorry looking building set me thinking about our modern lives and all that we take for granted. Some people are not so lucky, enjoy the comforts you have in your life, appreciate them, for you will miss them if they go. This is my penultimate image for the day, I hope you liked this series, only one more to go.
A stroll with family, the quiet speaks of happy times and friends forever.
August 31st 2024
And there we have it. 31 days of photos from August 2024. I wondered how it would go, would I find the inspiration to get a decent shot every day? Some days were harder than others but It has been fun. I liked having to look around everyday for new topics and this is my final one. We went down to Folkestone today to visit family, we walked along a quiet beach front. As we walked there was a sense of calm and peace that is hard to find in this modern world. My final wish to you all is to spend your life doing the things that make you happy. Ok, that’s it. bye..
I would love to hear from you, so email me on email135@tutanota.com, I suspect I have an audience of one (me) but I hope this series brings you as much peasure as it did for me.